And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

By Oak Ash and Thorn by DJ Conway

I am currently reading this title for the second time which is something I usually do with a book that has many meditations and exercises. I read it once straight through and now I am going through and reading it more in depth and doing the journeys within its pages.

I must admit that I am fascinated by the idea of Celtic Shamanism. It's not a new concept to me, but it is one that I was not aware that I knew so much about. It seems Shamanism is something that most Pagans practice on a regular basis. It involves such things as "Know Thyself" (as talked about below) and Shadow Work that all spiritual people should complete - especially if they plan to be of service to others. There is much journey work involved as well which most of us are familiar with through meditation studies.

One of the biggest lessons I have learned so far is that Shamanism is universal. It is not for any one people to practice, but all people at one time practiced it and some still do today. Calling it Celtic Shamanism is simply an effective way for those of Western European decent to connect with the practice and the pivotal aspect of working with one's ancestors.

Within the book Shamanism is said to encompass many aspects; Healing, Divination, Bardic Arts, Warrior traits, Priest/esshood... It seems most practicing Pagans are involved in some form of Shamanism - connecting with the Earth and honoring ancestors, service to others through healing and education, knowing and accepting oneself and others, ect.

As I go through the pages again I will try to post my reflections here.

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