The main premise of the show, The Way of the Master, is to get people to come to Christ through the use of the Ten Commandments. I am often blown away by some of the material on the program. For instance, on last week's show Ray and Kirk tried to tell us that anyone who has ever harbored hate in their heart is a murderer and is thus guilty of breaking that commandment. Wow, now that is some serious straw grasping. I have never heard a bigger bunch of BS in my entire life. And, just an FYI, if you've ever just lusted after a woman you are an adulterer. They don't say anything about women lusting after men so you all-the-way-straight girls are apparently off the hook.
It seems to me that all these two men are trying to do is convince the human race how evil it is and how we are all just a bunch of no good sinners destined for eternal suffering in a pit of brimstone. I'm so glad I don't believe in the Bible or in sin. What a terrible burden to carry. "You're bad for being a person! Damn you human being! You make mistakes and act with emotions? How dare you!"
On the topic of not believing in the Bible, let's take a look at how Kirk and Ray advise people to minister to those of us who have less than a grand opinion of "Ye Ole Good Book". According to the Way of the Master website:
"Christians can't use 'circular reasoning' by trying to prove the Bible by quoting from the Bible!"
The "circular reasoning" argument is absurd. That's like saying you can't prove that the President lives in the White House by looking into the White House. It is looking into the White House that will provide the necessary proof. The fulfilled prophecies, the amazing consistency, and the many scientific statements of the Bible prove it to be the Word of God. They provide evidence that it is supernatural in origin. See also Psalm 119:105 footnote.
Hmm... I don't understand how you can compare something solid and tangible like the President and the White House to a supposed supernatural text and the supernatural claims it contains. It is a bad analogy to say the least. It still proves absolutely nothing other than the fact that Kirk and Ray think that the bulk of humanity is retarded.
A while back I found an answer that compared the Bible to an oncoming eighteen-wheeler. The gist of that statement had something to do with believing in the Bible being as simple as believing in death by Mac Truck. I can't seem to find the exact quote on the site anymore but if I do I will be sure to post it here for you.
A plain and simple message to Kirk and Ray: I don't believe in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, or sin. Without the tiniest shred of belief you have no argument. Convert me now boys. In my opinion you are spreading untruths. What does that make you? Come on you can do it. It begins with L.
p.s. You're welcome for the free publicity.
1 comment:
Dear Friends, Remember back when you were young and you did something which you knew was wrong. Alarm bells would ring as you were tempted to take something or look at something you knew was wrong. The desire to do it for whatever motive was fighting with the alarm bell of your conscience. As we get older we are more equipped in being able to justify our seedy actions and the voice of our conscience grows dull. It's only when it is revived by relooking at God's standard that it is revived. The proof of God's existence is His signature of His very nature given to us in the form of our conscience. Deep down most of us beleive there is something else after death and if there is a God, surely He would have left us a non obtrusive way of getting back to Him in truth. Yes, there is, the Bible. Ray and Kirk aren't expressing their own views, they have laid down their own views as I did and now speak the views of the Bible. Jesus says this "He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him." John 7:18. Acknowledge your wrong doing, sins, to God and read the Bible and obey it. I did 7 years ago, please read about how real God (Jesus) became to me on my website. Yours in trust, Mark.
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