And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

The Last of the Monarchs

I saw the last of the Monarchs today flying low above the ground. Their wild orange and black wings stood out in gorgeous contrast against the serenity of the blue sky and white cotton clouds. They flitted about looking for summer's late bloomers only to find colorful cars and brightly clothed people instead. I wondered if they would find what they were looking for. How long would they hunt before finding the nectar filled ecstasy they so desperately sought?

In a short time the Monarchs will be gone like the flowers of the lilac that wilted months before. They will lay their eggs on the understated milkweed and vanish for another long, northern winter. For now they fly through the air searching, like lost souls, hoping to find a stray piece of heaven in one of the languishing red clover blossoms that once speckled my yard like so many stars.

When they are gone I will not mourn them. I know that in the spring I will see them in their splendor once more. Until then I will light a candle for the Monarchs, to remember their journey and that of all souls who have been lost and found their way home again.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful post. Welcome to the Daily Scribes, I just wanted to let you know that your design and writing are excellent. If the Pagan blogosphere were filled with blogs such as yours I would be wholly redundant! Thank you for adding me to your blogroll, I have done the same.

Grian said...

Thank you Jason. I am thrilled to be a part of the Daily Scribe. I've been reading your blog for some time and I enjoy every word of it. You never fail to provide up to date news and information relevant to me - and other Pagans. Thanks!