And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.


demeter and persephoneI'm sorry at my lack of posts lately. I guess school, group, family, etc. has me more busy than I like to admit. For this morning I post a tid bit from a group I am on. Special thanks to Satori Luna for the text.

All this time the Goddess, struck with grief,
had been looking for her daughter. Nothing
stopped her. In the dew-drenched dawn
she sought, and in the darkness too.
She lit her torches from volcanic fire
and walked through frost and night,
searching and searching, not stopping
when day smiled and cloaked the stars,
searching, not even stopping
to wet her lips at a clear fountain.
~Ovid, Metamorphoses

"At this time of year in ancient Greece, women celebrated several important festivals to the corn mother Demeter - called Ceres by the Romans, the Goddess who gave us the word "cereal." At the full moon in October, the Stenia was celebrated, with all-night dancing on the moonlit seashore. Such night rituals are common to other goddesses, especially the huntress-maiden Artemis, to whom each full moon was dedicated.

Like the moon, the earth moves through a predictable cycle. hemisphere is clearly dipping into the darker portion of the year. And this is the time when the ancient tale was told and retold of how the goddess lost her only daughter, and how she blighted the earth in her grief. Our hearts endure many winters. Dreams are lost, and loved ones, and possessions, and dear pets. Like the goddess, we mourn and grieve. And each time, we lose our faith that spring - that hope - will ever grow again. Yet each year, spring returns. Each dark time has its ending. Light will come again."

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