And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

Killing the Infidels One Pixel at a Time

Tim LaHaye is the author of the Left Behind series of books about the End Times. Apparently he's decided to start targeting America's youngsters with a new video game all about destroying the forces of evil - i.e anyone who isn't a fanatical, evangelical Xtian. Go here for more on this: Then you can click the title of this post to sign a petition to get this video game removed from Wal-Mart. Too bad I also saw it at Best Buy the other day.

If you feel like upping your heart rate and making your palms sweat, while trying to hold in the urge to scream at the television, you can watch Tim LaHaye featured on the Biography Channel on December 18th.

Tim Exchanges Xmas Gifts with "The Big Guy"

Tim LaHaye: Happy Birthday Jesus. I hope you like your gift. It's the Left Behind: Eternal Forces video game where people actually get killed for not believing in you. Isn't that awesome?

Jesus: Um... well Tim, I've already told you how disturbing I found the ideas in your series of books. I don't think I really want to play this game.

TL: Oh come on Jesus. It'll be fun. We can kill all the Catholics, Muslims, and Pagans. Whoever you want.

J: Yeah, you see... that's sort of the problem Tim. I tried to teach people to get along. You know, the whole "love-your-neighbor-thing".

TL: Neighbor-schmeighbor. This is more fun. Plus, I'm making a ton of money off of the American public.

J: Hmm... it's seems you've become the head thief in the den.

TL: Huh?

J: Mark 11:15.

TL: What?

J: Dude, have you even read the Bible? What you should've started this conversation with was "Happy Birthday Jesus. I hope you like crap".


Anonymous said...

OK, that last line made me spit fizzy-drink. The game...not so much.

Knowing that a lot of pretty graphic WWII simulation games and FPS games also merit a T rating, I'm awaiting a backlash for this among this creep's core consumers. Isn't that kind of stuff what makes them so angry about video games to begin with?

Or maybe they've already polled all the corpses in those games and determined they're Catholic. :)

Anonymous said...

Stumbled across this while hunting up lutefisk gear (no, you don't want to know...), and it was just too good not to share.

Yes, this is the back view of them. :)

Grian said...

LOL. Sorry about the fizzy-drink on your monitor. Next time I try to be funny I'll write *possible spew alert* at the beginning of the post.

Oh the "Left Behind" clothes are too funny. I want to make my own with the words "Right Behind" on the right butt cheek. :)