And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

A Short Note to Al Gore

Dear Mr. Gore

I recently watched An Inconvenient Truth and wanted to share a few things with you.

Firstly, let me commend you on your tireless work to save our Earth. You have continually placed the environment among your top priorities. For that reason alone you would have my vote.

Next, if you would like people to be more concerned about the problem of global warming and environmental issues, then people need to start seeing the Earth as sacred again.

Long ago our ancestors revered the Earth and all of Nature as holy. It was not something they felt separated from, rather something they felt wholly connected to. The Earth was their home, their source of food and shelter, their Great and Bountiful Mother.

In recent history people have removed themselves from Nature, though she is still our source of life. They have begun to see the Earth as something to have "dominion" over. That's a term coined from the Bible itself. Perhaps we have to start at the very root of people's beliefs and moral standards by examining their religion.

I believe by promoting Earth-centered religions and taking a stand with the people who still see the Earth as our Sacred Mother, you may be able to turn the moral standards towards the Environment in this country and save the planet. Teach that destroying the Earth is not only idiocy, but sacrilege.

What do you say? Can you support the Pagans, the Goddess Worshippers, the Wiccans, the Native Americans, etc? You won't find a better group suited to saving the Earth and protecting it for generations to come. Not to mention, most of us are Democrats.

LM Hutchings

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