And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

Starhawk on Sexuality

Goddess Tradition Sees Sexuality as Sacred

In the Goddess traditions, we see sexuality as sacred because we see the Goddess as immanent—embodied—in the world, as the great erotic, creative power of life itself.

Sexuality is clearly an expression of the life force, a powerful drive to generate more life. But we honor sexuality, as well, for the depth of ecstasy and pleasure we can find, sharing touch and connection with another.

Pleasure, in our view, is a good thing—something that affirms our joy and gratitutde for life, that brings us closer to the Goddess and to each other. Through our sexuality, we can open deeply and allow ourselves to be transported beyond our illusions of separation, to feel our oneness with beings.

Moreover, human pleasure gives pleasure, resonating through nature and invigorating all the creative, fructifying forces of life.

Because we open so deeply in moments of sexual intimacy, because we become so very vulnerable, the sacred erotic demands from us immense sensitivity, kindness and compassion. If we have a concept of ‘sin’, it would be the misuse of sexuality—for power, cruelty, abuse, or control over another. Sexual torture, as at Abu Ghraib is a crime against the Goddess as well as a crime against humanity,

The Goddess blesses all forms of love: Erotic love between lovers of any and all sexual persuasions, friendship, love of the natural world, passion for art, beauty and justice. “All acts of love and pleasure are My rituals,” She says in our liturgy.

The power of the erotic is not limited to sexual intercourse; we can experience it when we thrill to the beauty of a forest or allow ourselves to be transported by a piece of music. When we dance, draw, write, sing, compose, create, we become channels of that erotic life-giving force.

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