With all the memes choking the web – none of which really blow my skirt up – I thought I’d come up with some of my own. Now be warned… some of these are entirely serious while others are just plain fun. You get to figure out which is which. Let's try not to take ourselves so seriously all the time. "All things of love and pleasure are my rituals."
Feel free to use any of these on your own blog. Just give this page some link-love and maybe leave a comment about your "Made up Meme Mania" inspired post.
If you have some meme ideas of your own just use the Monday Meme qualifications below and send me a comment so we know where to find them.
Of course no meme is complete without linker buttons! So I added some. :)
Meandering Monday
Photograph, post, or both about your daily/weekly meanderings. This could be traveling around your own head, your backyard, your city, or wherever.
MAMA Monday
A day to muse about the Goddess, similar to the (Insert Day Here) Goddess Blogging posts I’ve seen.
Monday Meme
Come up with your own memes – like the ones you are reading right now. Rules: There has to be a day of the week and a word that has the same first letter of that day. It’s more challenging that way. You can see the examples all over this post. Oh, and I guess you should post it on Monday.
Tuesday Tickles
and/or Tuesday Tickles Less
Blogging about things you find humorous or humorless.
Tuesday Tush-fest
I just thought this one was funny. This is the day for asses. Pictures of them, posts about them, etc. Taste is required of course.
Wandering Wednesday
Like Meandering Monday but on Wednesday.
Wednesday Walk-About
Like Wandering Wednesday but for Aussies. *wink*
Thou Art Thursday
Post your regular rendition of the Thou Art Goddess posts like this. "Thou Art Thursday is Goddess."
Thursday Thanks
A day for gratitude themed posts. For example: I’m thankful for ice cream, showers, and the color green.
Fountainhead Friday
Let your creative juices flow. Throw around ideas, inspirational sources, knowledge resources, and completed creative endeavors. Or just be any kind of fountainhead. Tell everyone you know what you know.
Five Finger Friday
Steal a post from someone else. Well, don’t really steal it. Post a post of someone else’s on your blog and link back to them graciously.
Saturday Swap Meet
Swap posts and links with another blogger. Free exposure and linkage for all!
Selling Something Saturday
This is the day for obligatory plug posts for your wares – if you have any to sell. You can also post book reviews linked to your Amazon.com associate account, and other affiliate program related things. Basically, anything you wish to make some money off of is designated for this day.
Sunday Suck-fest
Start the week off on a bad note for a change. Tell the world what sucked about your previous week and what or who pissed you off. "Damn that automatic door at the grocery store." Don’t forget to make it better on Thou Art Thursday. "The automatic door at the grocery store, which pisses me off to no end because it opens too slowly when I’m in a hurry, is Goddess."
Salute You Sunday
What makes you so friggin cool? Do you have a 100 things about me list? Do you feel the need to tell a completely self indulgent story about little ol’ you? I know I do. Then this is the day for you – er us. Maybe this should be called Salute Me Sunday instead. Well, you could also salute someone else – like your mom, you brother, your best friend – whoever. Tell the world wide web what’s so completely marvelous about the people in your life. Seriously, that would be a nice thing to do. And if you really need it – spread some love about yourself too.
Hmm... I thought some of these were fun... and downright funny. I wonder if anyone will use them.
Some of them were funny. Actually, a few of them are completely serious. My personal favorite is Thou Art Thursday. I think I'm going to add a few more and then create a permanent link to this page - or create a new one.
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