And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.


I think I’m bored. No, restless is a better word. Do you ever just want to scream at the computer screen “Wow me! Move me! Give me something!”? Well, that’s how I feel tonight.

I click on the same links again and again just hoping that this time there will be something fantastic to see. It amazes me that the internet is so vast yet I have very narrow lenses with which to look at it with. Maybe I have too much time to look. This is not the norm for me, but lately I feel the need to do something mindless as opposed to working at the computer. I guess that’s my escape strategy.

So, I am asking you, my friends and fellow web-junkies, to gift me with some of your favorite links or simply give me some insight into what you do on the net. Where do you go to be wowed and moved? What places on the web evoke your passion or tickle you mind?

If you don’t have a link to share take a moment to have some pity on a poor girl with no virtual friends.


BBC said...

Gift you? Okay, go look in a mirror, that is my gift to you. And you are a gift to the world. Hugs.

Aquila ka Hecate said...

For a fascinating glimpse of Atheists Arguing, I haunt this site.
I have been known to take part, but mostly years ago when I was still an idiot..err...atheist myself.

Terri in Joburg

Anonymous said...

I read blogs mostly by Pagans.

If I want to listen to some music or listen to people argue over religion and stuff, I often checkout YouTube.

If I'm reserching myths and stuff, I take advantage of Google Books quite a bit. It's amazing the amount of info that can be gleaned from even limited previews of books. :)

BBC said...

Move you?

Rock you?

Oh yes, I could do that.

But you would have to be able to get away from your mind and be only spirit to do that.

Anyway, I had a wonderful day at the hot springs, I hope you had a wonderful day also. Hugs.

Grian said...

Thanks guys. I'll check those things out.

Luna said...

Not many ideas huh? I guess the best one is, in the words of Gordon Ramsey, "SHUTIT DOWN!" Go outside. Be wowed there. Because I was thinking the same thing (I'm so bored here!) But this site looks interesting! =)
Today's Sunday, it'll be a Funday!

SecondComingOfBast said...

Come over to my blog, I have quite a few links that might interest you. Some that come to mind are "Modern Drunkard", which can be quite funny. Also, I have a chaldean ephemeris, if you're into astrology. (Unfortunately they don't do ascendants, though). I like to think my blog is good, too, but of course that's just my opinion.

Grian said...

Luna, thanks. That some great advice. :)

Patrick, hi there. We're both on the Pagan Heathen bloggers Yahoo list. I have checked out your site and wow! There is a lot to read over there. It will take me some time to get through and I will certainly be leaving some comments for you. Thanks for visiting.