And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

My Very Own TV

I just thought this little thing was very cool. I was just thinking about how bored I get sometimes between classes. Now I can watch TV on my own blog. :) I know I'm kind of geeky, but I'm okay with that. Anyway, check this little guy out.

Changing channels isn't a problem either. Just click the settings button on the far bottom right of the tv and you'll be watching mtv, animal planet, or the sci-fi channel in no time.

By the way, Mozilla does weird things to the player. I'd use IE if you've got it. If you're using Firefox then things might be acting a little strange and you may be wondering why in the world I posted it in the first place. Trust me it works in IE.


Anonymous said...

thats one wickedly cool tv

Aquila ka Hecate said...

Hey! You're back!

What happened?

Terri in Joburg

Grian said...

Hi Terri. The site was down for a while because my host decided to change nameservers without telling me. Thanks for coming by and checking on me. :)