And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

Quotes: a Grian-ism

"If there is such a thing as sin, then it is not our actions that are the sins in themselves. It is when our actions hurt others that they then become sinful."

- Grian DeBandia


Aquila ka Hecate said...

Terry Pratchett, using Garnny Weatherwax as a mouthpiece, said something like "Sin is treating people as things".

Pretty similar to your take,I'd say.

And I agree with both of you.
Terri in Joburg

BBC said...

Makes sense to me.

BBC said...

Umm, who decides what a sin is?

BBC said...

Knock, knock. Anyone home?

Anonymous said...

IF there is such a thing as sin, thing is, sin is such a terminally moralistic words, behind which connotes a divine, pinnacle-of-light entity who can bestow punishment...didn't make sense, did I? hehehe :p

Came to wish you had a blessed Samhain, mine's very intimate and meaningful :)

-Shadow Soul