Catholic's Interpretation: A sombre color used during lent - the time before Easter, meaning the people are supposed to be refelecive during this time.
My Interpretation: A color associated with the supernatural world or psychic influences. Also, a color I think of when picturing old ladies. In older times only the king was allowed to wear purple. When I mentioned this to the Catholic man he thought that would make sense seeing as how Jesus was "King".
Catholic: Used during the high holiday of Easter and Christmas.
Mine: This made sense seeing as how white automatically symbolizes purity and peace. I also see this color as a symbol of the Maiden, beginnings, a clean slate, and insight.
Catholic: I don't remember the complete explanation of this one, but I recall it being symbolic of blood.
Mine: I also associate red with blood, specifically the blood of the Mother, the blood of life, etc. It symbolizes birth to me, in conjunction with the Mother aspect, as well as warmth, compassion, love, protection. Overall, I would use the word passion to describe this color - meaning to me that it could be representative of any extreme or powerful emotion.
Catholic: Used during the "normal" times were his words.
Mine: An extremely sacred color very closely associated with the complete All-Goddess aspect. Fertility, life, the earth, completion, oneness.
Catholic: We did't get a chance to discuss this color.
Mine: The Crone, death and transformation, wisdom, etc.
Below is a definition of the liturgical colors of the Catholic church that I found on the internet. I find this a very Pagan concept, personally - though I am not surprised by that in the least. What would Pagan's use as "liturgical" colors? I know there are some trads that already use colors at certain times of the year. Is your tradition one of them? What do the colors mean to you and your tradition?
Liturgical Symbolism
The variety of liturgical colours in the Church arose from the mystical meaning attached to them. Thus white, the symbol of light, typifies innocence and purity, joy and glory; red, the language of fire and blood, indicates burning charity and the martyrs' generous sacrifice; green, the hue of plants and trees, bespeaks the hope of life eternal; violet, the gloomy cast of the mortified, denotes affliction and melancholy; while black, the universal emblem of mourning, signifies the sorrow of death and the sombreness of the tomb.
NOTE: How interesting that the liturgical colors of the Catholic faith are the main colors of importance in Goddess Religion/Paganism. Hmm... Interesting, but again not surprising.
I have personal color associations that are pretty close to yours. I also associate purple with royalty. I associate white all that you mentioned as well as Imbolc in particular because of snow and milk.
At some point in time you have to stop reading books and start thinking for yourself. - Albert Einstein.
I think that is very good advice. Especially if you are reading a lot of fiction. Just because some say that there is a lot of truth in fiction doesn't mean that there is.
It's mostly just an escape.
Hum, did you delete my other comment?
Never mind, just saw that I said it on the other post. Anyway, welcome back the Internet Insane Asylum.
Welcome back!
Purple I find an intensely magical colour.
In fact, the two colours purple and black together are representative, to me, of magical spirituality.
But then I'm one of Hecate's women, so I would see it that way!
Terri in Joburg
Thanks for the comments everyone. It's great to see you again. And wow, I got some spam in my comments. Sweet! LOL.
Colors are strange sort of. Everyone gets something different from them I think. Some people feel red is a calming color while others feel it makes them anxious. It's interesting.
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