In the post just before this one I mentioned a painful time I recently experienced in my life. While I was thinking about this time I remembered that it began right after I had been practicing a mantra to the Goddess Kali everyday.
Kali or Kali-Ma is an element of Shakti who is known as a remover of obstacles, and the mantra was specifically designed to do just that. I personally see Kali as a dark aspect of the Goddess who transforms everything she touches.
So my question is, did Kali have something to do with this event in my life? Was this an experience that might fall into the category of birthing pains... as in "there is always pain before birth"?
"Something" was certainly removed from my life but it came back. I guess when I look at that "something" very closely it did not come back in the same form it was in. So perhaps the obstacle was removed, changed, then put back into place. Maybe that "something" couldn't be transformed by Kali until it was taken from me. And in that way both myself and the "something" were forever changed into new things.
I don't know. This is one of those metaphorical, esoteric talks I usually have with myself. Since I am finally opening up a little around here, I thought maybe I would present it to all of you too.
I've been thinking of starting the chanting up again but I am a bit gun shy as you can imagine. I know I still have obstacles to remove, but I'm not sure I can handle Kali's handiwork again just yet. We'll see.
My advice would be to continue with the work.
It seems to be a process, and that should be seen through.
However, I'm not sitting where you are and this may be bad advice -just saying. :)
Terri in Joburg
You may be right though Terri. Maybe it's something I should continue since after the "growing pains" things got better. Maybe if I continue with the work I will only learn more about myself and my direction.
Thanks as always for your comments. :)
Wow. I was looking for an image of Kali to use as my screen saver and found this site. I also do mantra work. I was never to drawn to Kali before (she actually scared me). I am going through the ending of a bad relationship. My fiance has been having an affair with another woman since I became pregnant with my son. The affair has continued for three years. He has also been physically and financially abusive. I have not been able to let go and move on even though the relationship has been over for many years. I find myself wanting to move on but feeling stuck. For some reason I have become very drawn to Kali during what appears to be the final stages of letting go. I was wondering if you would share the Kali mantra that you used.
Thank you for sharing this. It gives me comfort that the goddess is present in my life.
Kali Ma!
Do you know where this image of Kali came from?
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