And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

Book Tag, I'm It!

A while back Evn tagged me with a little meme. I didn't notice it before (because I'm a bad blog-girl) so it's a little late in coming.

This reminds me of how much I miss TV Tag. I have a distinct memory of crawling between my cousin's feet and yelling "Wonder Woman!" while trying not to get tagged myself, thus leaving me helplessly frozen until someone crawled through my legs yelling out vintage television shows. Good times.

So, here are my instructions. Fortunately, this page will not self destruct in 15 seconds. But I might.
  • Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).

  • Open the book to page 123.

  • Find the fifth sentence.

  • Post the next three sentences.

  • Tag five people.

The nearest book on hand is the mass market, paperback romance I am currently reading while in bed at night/on the toilet, loaned to me by my dear BFF.

The 5th, 6th, and 7th sentences on page 123 of Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts:
"All right. Connections." She knodded. "I'm more in favor than ever about the theory regarding connections."
That might technically be considered four sentences since... yep four periods there. But I liked the whole thing as a quasi-meaningful snippet from an otherwise meaningless source of entertainment escape. To me it seems oddly synchronistic.

I'm not sure I can come up with five people who haven't already been tagged by this meme, so I will hold off on that. Or, how about five people take it upon themselves to complete this meme and let me know about it? Then I can just list you here. I am a lazy meme-er.


katja said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katja said...

Sorry! I think I screwed up the earlier message. Anyway, thanks for the education! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Katja tagged me with this one! Fun. And I gotta admit, I had never before heard of a "meme."

Grian said...

Nice to see you ladies! Glad you enjoyed the meme. They can be good fun. Thanks for stopping by.