Or so I thought. Apparently love is only the whole of the law if you carry your reproductive parts on the inside.
Well it looks like I pissed someone off. Debi (a self proclaimed women's liberationist) of the Corvid Diaries has taken some offense to just about every word I have posted over the last few days. Some have been addressed in the comments of this previous post here. Another one I think deserves front page attention so I'm responding to it below.
Debi said: "I'm actually disgusted that anybody would presume to speak with the words of the goddess, and in such a patronising tone. It is utterly disrespectful both to the goddess and to all women of earth to do so."
Rhondda said: (commented on the Corvid Diaries) "Yes, I do agree with you. I really dislike making the Goddess a monotheistic entity. For me she is life in all her diversity. She is not an either/or and she is not a role to play. She is deep connection and as Mary Daly says a verb and not a noun."
See all comments from Debi's post here: Apparently Even the Goddess can be Patronizing Sometimes...
The Goddess (emphasis on THE) has a million names and faces, yet remains ONE. All life is a manifestation of her which means all life is divine. This also means both men and women are Goddess. Re: All Things Are Goddess. By presuming that no one can speak with the words of the Goddess you only succeed in making her out to be that monotheistic deity who is untouchable, not connected to her creation, etc. Sheesh, why not just call her Yahweh? She is both verb and noun and everything in between. There is no way to say she is this and not that. She is unlimited and never black and white. You make her what you want her to be and that's fine, but not when it's solely to fit into your argument and help you rationalize all of the injustice you yourself are causing.
She is not a role to play? Are you even Pagan? First of all no one needs to play at the role because we already are Goddess. Second, that's exactly what a priestess does every time she performs ritual - whether she in a group or solitary. See Drawing Down the Moon (the ritual not the book). Embodiment of the Goddess is what's supposed to happen.
I am willing to bet that if my comments weren't presumed to be anti-fem than I would've gotten "lovely post" or at the very least nothing at all. But because certain sensibilities were stepped on now it's fair game on the little Goddessian girl who believes she is divine - as Goddess teaches. How dare I? Rest assured it won't be the last time I "presume" to be Goddess. While you're blasting me about it do be sure to trample on Doreen Valiente, Starhawk, and countless others who have dared to speak the words of the Goddess. *gasp*
By the way, did you even read the first paragraph of that post? If flat out says I asked myself what would Goddess do and that's what came out. I said this is what I think she would say. When did I ever claim to be speaking for her or anyone else?
Wow, someone says something positive and this is what happens? Someone basically says "let's love each other" and this is what happens? And yet the statement "all men are rapists" (because all men are capable of rape apparently) gets applause. Well it's finally happened. I've officially slipped into a crazy cosmic bunny hole of nonsense. That's just the most ridiculous, sexist BS I've ever had the displeasure of reading. What an outlandish statement. Kudos for having brass ones, by the way. I'm ashamed to be of the same species, let alone the same gender of someone who could utter such rubbish. Why not just say all people are murderers because we're all capable of it? Anyone and everyone is "capable" of every atrocity ever committed. Wake up!
Men are not evil and woman are not just the sweet, unconditionally loving, innocent victims. I am no one's victim and I will not allow myself to follow a line of thinking that has women acting like they are rabid animals trapped in a friggin' cage. Seriously, that kind of attitude towards men is reminiscent of Hitler's attitude toward the Jews. Watch out! Here comes the gestapo! "Where are zee men? We must take zem and cut zeir nuts off!" Take your self righteous indignation and passive-aggressive sexual terrorism somewhere else.
As those of you who visit often know, I rarely get this fired up. Funny thing is, I'm not really all that mad. I'm happy and having a great day. People are smiling, life is good. I tend to think of my posts as usually pretty positive. Unless of course I'm bitching about Kirk Cameron or something. :) I try very hard to address comments and different opinions as politely as possible. Everyone deserves to have their say. This is the main reason I don't moderate comments and I allow for anonymous people to post. But, I think this is the first and last I'm going to say about this situation in an actual blog post. While there may be comments pouring in eventually I won't be taking it the front page again. Well unless I get pissed enough to do so. *wink* Yay for blogs: creative/bitching outlets.
pic: Light from the Heart Nebula from Astronomy Pic of the Day
Thanks for sticking up for us men. Much appreciated! Obviously, Debi has some 'issues' and probably needs to 'liberate' her own mind before she starts trying to set the world straight.
Not a bad thing that your philosophy and writing get noticed. ~wink~ Don't stop expressing what you believe.
Anytime. You have been a friend to me, as have many men. I will stand up for all humans any day of the week.
Thanks so much. That's a great point that I hadn't really thought of. I won't stop. And I hope you don't either. :)
Thou art Goddess, Lee.
Way to go for never, ever forgetting it.
I'm proud of you.
Terri in Jonurg
Thank you Terri. Your words have given me a nice big warm fuzzy and a genuine smile. Thou Art Goddess, my friend.
We all need the freedom to tell the beauty of the truth we have found through the adventure of life and the inspiration of the Goddess. Thank you for all you are and do.
I found nothing offensive in your post and your speaking prophetically with the voice of the Goddess. Patriarchal clergy do it all the time and most authoritatively at that. As you noted, so do our Goddessian mothers. We are all aspects of Goddess and we all have the right and the duty to speak prophetically as you have done.
I think Corvid Dreams has misinterpreted your loving statement with defending the abusers of women and children. When we have been hurt by men we tend to do that. I know I do. But, I found no such defense of these types of men in your post. What you were saying was that we should not lump all men into the same narrow categories that we women would not like to be lumped into. There is no monolithic characteristic "male" or "female" that we can rail against and should hate. There are only varieties of individuals manifested by the Goddess. We need to get beyond the male/female dichotomy that characterizes patriarchy and make our way into wholeness. Blessings...
Thank you Paul. That was lovely and so true. Thank you as well for being a lovely Goddess-man who isn't afraid to be who you are.
Gorgon - I think you are so right. Thanks for helping me put Debi's comments into persepective. Sometimes it's very easy to get put on the defensive and I hadn't really stopped to think about why my comments were misunderstood.
Thank you too for your statments about men and making generalizations. Corvid Dreams is not the only blog I have seen making such dichotymous statements and it's nice to see another Goddessian blogger who isn't embracing the Goddess as simply a way to hate men.
I'd just like to second that about your right to speak as Goddess. Yes, that's what Drawing Down the Moon is all about. And as an aspect of the Goddess, you do have the right to speak as Her.
Blessed be!
The problem for us humans, is that we think in dualistic terms. (Male, female, right wrong, this, that, etc.) We can't help it, as it is a function of being human. All things may be goddess, but they are also god. The trick is to be able to go past names and forms, and that, as a human, is a difficult task. Going past all this is to go into the realm of the truly transcendent.
You defended yourself excellently. it is just a shame that you had to at all.
I'm left, again, with only a big huge THANK YOU to say...
My son is a huge source of Joy and Goddess Light in my life. He's brought me closer to Goddess than I'd been in years... Thank you for defending him... all 3 1/2 years of him... Evil he is not.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you so much. Thou art Goddess. Blessed be.
Mr. Nighttime,
Thank you for your comments. I suppose I see the Goddess as that vehicle of transcendence. She goes beyond simple gender and encompasses everything that is both male and female; something I believe a male aspect has not yet been able to achieve. Blessings!
I'm sure your son will grow up to be a wonderful Goddess man who will add beauty and love to the world. Many blessings to you both.
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