And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

Demeter It Is...

I've let the poll go to 20 votes and Demeter has won with 9 of them. Thanks to everyone who voted. I honestly appreciate your input. Now I have to turn some focus to the Great, Greek, Earth Mother Goddess Demeter and see where she leads me. If anyone else has musings on this face of the Goddess please feel free to get a conversation started.

I'm still looking for historical proof of the laws of Demeter - or the Thesmoi of Demeter. If anyone could point me in the right direction on that I would be eternally grateful.

I have posted a new poll leaving Brigid, Kali, and Isis in place as options and adding Aphrodite to the list. Don't let Aphrodite fool you. She is much more than your average Goddess of Love. So let the voting continue and when Demeter's temple is done a new one can be started immediately.

Vote here or check the sidebar at the right.


Anonymous said...

Cool. I'm voting for Isis because I've heard that Isis and Demeter were the same goddess, or something like that. Don't know if it's true but it seems like a natural transition...

I think contemplating Demeter naturally demands confronting any unresolved issues with one's own mother. Maybe that's why she seems a little difficult to me.

Grian said...

I am just now studying the connections between Isis and Demeter and it's really compelling. And as I write about Demeter for her temple I am certainly coming into some mommy issues. The temple should be interesting for sure.

Donna L. Faber said...

I'm starting to enjoy this voting! I can't wait to see what you do for Demeter, but I am still voting for Isis, the Great Queen of Heaven!


Luciana Onofre said...

Parabéns pelo seu lindo blog!


Luciana Onofre

Grian said...

Luciana - I have no idea what you said but it sounds wonderful. :)Thank so much for stopping by!

Unknown said...

You are so right... we can never let Aphrodite fool us... But sometimes, it is quite hard... as we face her, we face bauty, love and that wonderful girdle which moves our minds...

But still, I love Her for all the things She represents... love, beauty, even darkness... Hail, Aphrodite Melania!