I found this blog the other day - "Unmasking the Goddess" - about a Christian woman (Susy Flory) who is set to, as the title suggests, "unmask" the Goddess. I am sure this means she plans to somehow disprove the existence of ancient Goddess societies and discredit the entire religion.
For some reason I'm a glutton for punishment because I am gradually reading every single one of Susy's posts. My idealist brain is already processing an elaborate plan to defend Mama from this very passive-aggressive attack and better the world at the same time.
Quick! Someone get the restraints. And bring some chocolate. And a bottle of Pinot Grigio. The big bottle. Oh, and maybe some caramel sundaes.
Oh, who am I kidding? I'll probably just end up bitching about my aggravation here. Who knows, maybe this woman's work might even spark a good topic for debate. Or just annoy the crap out of me.
*currently chanting "frankie says relax" as my personal mantra*
UPDATE: Read Susy's story The Goddess Unmasked to get her blog contents in a nut shell - a large, rotten nut shell full of manure. Sorry... letting my annoyance show again. Back to my mantra.Frankie says relax...
Thanks for sharing. I'll be keeping an eye on this blog.
I don't want another Christian to get upset at-they drive me nuts already with their insistance on meddling in everyone else's life, and saying things like 'if you don't worship Jesus you're worshipping a demon' and other highly offensive stuff.
Most of them -yes most of them- are so arrogantly self-righteous that they jsut succeed in getting my goat.
Well, they can't have it,as I'm sacrificing it on Imbolc.
Terri in Joburg
LOL. I want to sacrifice my goat too. I think she's rather attached to me though. I've been trying to shove her into a Yugo for years but she keeps putting her feet up around the door and holding on for dear life. :)
I agree. MOST of them are terrible self righteous. I still get fired up every time I think of the nice girl in my old apartment complex who's mother sent her over to tell me they were praying for me. Sheesh... I know she thought she was doing the right thing, but it's hard not to get offended.
Cosette, sure thing. Let me know if you find anything in there we can talk about. :)
What incredible slop!
Though to be honest, I'm personally inclined to categorize her stuff as "too insipid to bother getting upset over."
Jarred, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I wish I could categorize it that way too. I'm far too sensitive about some things I guess. It's my idealist brain kicking in again. I keep thinking I can change the world - or rather the Goddess can - and this woman is trying to throw a monkey wrench into that plan. It's silly, I know, but I'm not willing to pull my head out of the clouds just yet. It's been there for about 30 years already so it's going to take some time coming down. :)
Believe me, I can sympathize with you. This woman's blog and book may be too insipid to bother me, but there are other things that bother me more than I'd like.
I think that's a good thing. Being passionate about something reminds you that you're alive.
I live in the Deep South (SC), so this kind of thing is a constant for me. Much of what Christians base their theories on, when it comes to the Goddess and Witchcraft, is wrong. For example, even Webster's dictionary defines a Sabbat as a ritual where Witches worship the Devil. What a hoot! How are they to know we don't even believe in the Devil? The Devil is their creation. And that's the problem with things like this woman and her blog. She just hasn't done enough research to get down beneath all the untruths and myths and find out what we are really all about. Of course, she probably wouldn't like the truth either. Many of us are just too feminist (grin), and Christianity is not a feminist religion. But at least she would know the truth.
And here's something else. Sometimes I think the reason Paganism has survived since the beginning of time is because we are NOT evangelical. We have better ways to use our energy. In my case I would much rather catch up on my sleep or spend time in my backyard talking/singing with the faeries than trying to prove another religion wrong or going after converts. Let's face it...Witches just know how to have more fun! :)
Nice blog hon, keep up the good work. I don't mind it when a Christian visits my blog, God always loves a good pissing contest with a Christian.
They don't stick around long but it's still fun to call them idiots. Have a great day.
Laura, yes I think Pagans do know how to have more fun. We don't have the whole guilt aspect to worry about. We get to have a proper party and not feel bad about it later - so long as no one gets hurt of course - and we deal with any consequences our actions may bring.
Sometimes I wish we had been a little evangelical in the past if only for the reason that the world might be better for it. Imagine if our country had been founded by a group of real, Goddess-loving Pagans and not a bunch of ceremonial Freemasons. That would've been interesting I think.
Thanks for the great comment!
BBC, thanks. I like your blog too. I like your honesty most of all. I've been trying to be more honest here myself and I think the blog is improving for it. I've censored my thoughts for too long as it is.
I love a good pissing contest. That might actually be one of my favorite past times - especially when I manage to get my stream farther than the other guy's. :)
Thanks for reading and the comment. Have a great day yourself Billy!
Thanks, Grian/Lee, and you pose an interesting idea. Hmmm. Ideally, the world would be a better place if Goddess-loving Pagans had been more evangelical in the past. But the more I think about it the more I think evangelism is a Catch 22 of sorts. You start out with the best intentions, but at the root of those intentions is the idea that you are right, and others are wrong, so you need to convert them to your "right" way of thinking. Thus, the Catch 22...good intentions that can only lead to some form of ego-mania, because evangelism forces you to not let people be who they are and follow the path they are on at the moment. Kind of an anti-Pagan thing.
It's like the classic love spell request. I don't know about you, but it seems I get more requests for love spells than anything else, when someone hears I am a Witch. Then I have to tell them Wiccans don't cast spells to "make" someone fall in love with someone else. IMHO, evangelism falls under the "making" someone do what you think they should be doing category. What I can do is cast a spell that will help that person become more loving and thereby attract more love into his/her life. Kind of anti-evangelism. The Wiccan way for sure (grin)!
But I do agree with what you mean in that Paganism is a peaceful, often feminist, nature religion. Yes, society and the world would be in much better shape with more of this kind of positive thinking. Thanks for giving me a reason to think about this issue. :)
Laura, I see exactly what you mean.
I think evangelism is not something Pagans would embrace as a way of "spreading the word". I think we would do things more in keeping with our nature - with tolerance, peace, and understanding. We wouldn't be on the street corners yelling about Hell and brimstone. We would do things the Pagan way - more like advertising without the heavy dose of commercialism.
At least I hope that's the way we'd be. I would hate to think that Paganism would go the way of Christianity and start worrying more about the congregational profits and not the religion itself. No offering plate for me thanks! I'll take a nice not-so-pushy donation jar at the door. :)
Thanks again for the comments - and for the reply comment. Fabulous!
I feel sorry for Jesus most of the time. Here was a man who worked to help others, and tried to teach balance in the world (he thought Mary Magdalene was just as important -- if not more so -- than the male disciples) and now his name is horribly misused and abused. There is gentleness and strength in his teachings, and he uses many nature references in his sermons (the lilies in the field and the birds of the air, for example). Sometimes I think Jesus was more of a pagan than a Jew, but he was definitely never a Christian.
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