And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

Does Kirk Cameron Read Panthea?

Hey guys. Look at this comment I got today from an older post of mine entitled Know Thyself. Notice the little bit about The Way of the Master which is not once mentioned in the post itself. Maybe Kirk or his buddy Ray Comfort were doing a little search on their show and my blog came up. Why do you suppose this person prefers to remain anonymous?
Anonymous said...

Lee: According to Proverbs 18;2
"A fool has no delight in understanding except that her heart may discover itself". You can spend your whole life on a journey of self discovery and wind up in hell. Not becasue you haven't believed in Jesus but becasue you have sinned against a Holy, just and rightous God who WILL hold each of us accountible for "every idle word". Sin is simply the violation of God's law laid out in the Ten Commandments. If you are honest with yourself you have to admit that you have violated the whole of God's Law. Repent of your sin adn turn to him before it's too late. No one is promised tomorrow. I am glad you are watching The Way of the Master. May God use it to open yours eyes to His Truth.
I'm going to address this with a few simple words. First, I believe in the Goddess who is the Lady of Life. She carries the kind of love that all healthy mothers do for their children - for all of creation. Her lessons are very different from those of your just and righteous god of the bible. I don't believe in the bible. I don't believe in sin. I believe most (not all) of the ten commandments are obsolete and only served to control a less enlightened culture. I don't believe in your god. Your conversion tactics are wasted on me. I can only hope that the Mother calls out to you and enters your heart so that you may see real truth and freedom through the divine inspiration of her lessons. I mean no disrespect but wish you a journey full of open eyes and mystical experiences.


Aquila ka Hecate said...

I believe in their god.
He's a right psycho bastard, too.

You couldn't convert me under pain of torture.

As for Kirk Cameron- well, some Atheist acquaintances have described his debate tactics-good for a laugh, is all.

Terri in Joburg

Anonymous said...

What a strange comment. I particularly find it amusing that they would choose to start an evangelistic spiel with a Bible verse that implicitly calls their target a "fool." It strikes me as about as effective as being a con-man and starting your con with, "Well hello there, my intended mark!"

twoflyingdogs said...

It's actually kind of funny. They post anonymously and slip in a little commercial bit about a product they want to sell and, like Jarred pointed out, they started out with an insult. This is obviously something done for bragging rights. Now the poster can brag to his/her group that they really told those pagans a thing or two. If they were really hoping to "evangelize" they wouldn't do it in such a cowardly fashion. Who would want to go to the Christian heaven anyway? There are no animals there. I'd rather go to doggie heaven!

Grian said...

Oh, I think it's really funny. And so are you three. I love your comments. :) A little side note to this post: I checked my site meter and sure enough the referrer came from Google after searching for "Way of the Master". Too funny. I think it must certainly be Kirk or Ray now.

Anonymous said...

I can't watch Growing Pains anymore.

BBC said...

I don’t know who Kirk Cameron is but I liked that other post, it sounds a lot like me, especially in recent years where I spend more time exploring and discovering my higher self, or Goddess as you say.

I love a good conversation - the kind that draws you in and makes you think about "big" things - where profound epiphanies fly about the room. Right on, those kind of folks are hard to find though. And I’ve not found a woman here that can relate to me and talk with me at those levels, which is why I remain alone. No woman I know is on a road to discovery of herself, I know only those that are into collecting their material things and possessions.

I don’t like going to the movies all that much, prefer to watch them at home, preferably with someone else though, some one that I can share with them what hit me, or what messages I saw in them.

And the road to more discovery lies ahead, until the day this part of you expires. So keep looking forward, not much point in looking behind you as all there is there is a lot of monkey crap settling in the ruts of time and space as we fly through the cosmos. No point in spending too much time in those past monkey droppings as there is too much nonsense and confusion in them. Always keep looking forward to discover yourself and never allow others to tell you what you are. Hugs.