And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

The Goddess Lilith

You've probably heard of "Lilith Fair", the festival that celebrates women in music. Or maybe you've heard whisperings of a demon named Lilith, even the first Vampire according to some Nosferatu enthusiasts. But what about the historical evidence that portrays Lilith as a benevolent Mother Goddess, (albeit with her dark qualities, as is the case with most Goddesses) who dates back to antiquity?

According to some myths Lilith was Adam's first wife who was banished from Eden for believing she was equal to her mate. Lilith basically wanted to "be on top" but Adam found this emasculating so she was forced to leave the garden and it is said she was forever cursed to give birth to tons of demon babies a day. That seems a little silly to me since I don't understand why "God" would want there to be tons of demons in the world. But I will suspend belief in this instance based on the fact that that's not the silliest thing I've ever read in mythology.

Yet other myths say nothing of Adam, but speak of Lilith's creative, protective, and sustaining nature. She is forever Maiden, free and of herself, yet she is also a Mother to her people; feeding them and protecting them from harm. She weeps when they are hurt and for the destruction she herself must cause as part of nature. Lilith seems in all ways to be a complete image of Goddess; Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

Lilith has also been linked with the Goddess Inanna. It is possible that glimpses of Lilith's oldest images may be found in Inanna's myths as well. During my research I saw many references to Lilith as a demon and not as a Goddess. Could she perhaps be another demonized version of the Great Goddess that was made out to be evil by the influx of new religions who wanted to gain control over the people? Check out some of the links in this post and decide for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa....:) Got to take some issue with this post but I'll try to keep it brief.

First, in all the oldest traditions/myths, the one thing they agree on is that Lilith is anything but benevolent. She was always described as a threat to children and men so much so that there are amulet designs made to protect children from her in ancient times.

The reason for her actions against children vary depending on the accounts. Some say it was because her and Adam couldn't have children of their own. But what is clear is that she was considered a threat to children.

As for Adam not wanting her to be on top...that myth says that it wasn't the fact she wanted to be on top that was the problem but rather that she bragged she was better than him and thus lashed out when he wouldn't concede. Point being, and I think the story of Eve sorta backs this up, is that it wasn't Adam wanting to curb her role in their relationship but rather her not wanting to have an equal. Eve would've had no influence if Adam had been the way you described.

For the connection with early Sumerian traditions she is NEVER an equal to Inanna but rather a handmaiden or slave who prostitutes herself on Inanna's command. If you compare Inanna's qualities and Liliths you find very little in common.

In demon form, Lilith is considered a succubus (hope I spelled that right) which explains the giving birth to demons thing.

She is associated with the owl (although there is a dispute whether 'owl' is a correct translation) because it is a horrific screeching sound at night which she makes.

Whatever the legends, it is clear she had some internal problems which caused her rage and constant striking back at humanity. So I wouldn't be so quick to paint such a rosy goddess picture of her.

BBC said...

Hi sweetie-pie. Don't get by that often but wanted to say hi.

Hey, hon, has it ever occurred to you to stop reading a lot of stupid crap and start thinking for yourself?

If you keep reading stupid crap you are just going to keep getting more confused. Just saying.

Other than that I hope that all is going well with you and that your soul is a peace with you.

Don't think it is though, but I may be wrong. Love you, hugs.

Grian said...

Mahud - thanks for all the great info on Lilith. I will be reading for a bit now. :)

BBC - Hi there hon. Can't say I've ever thought about not reading, not learning, etc. I just really believe that a mind should be used for study and growth. As I think I've said a few times before, I know the answers I seek are within me, but sometimes it takes a little searching to inspire them.

And at peace? The last time I could've said that was true was almost ten years ago. But such is life and I guess I will just keep on searching.

Idris said...

cannot add anyhing of value to the debate about Lilith - although I am personally very fond of the stories about her and feel, although I accept that there is little textual evidence, that she is an important figure.

What i would like to say is that I feel there are echoes of her in the story of Blodeuwedd in the Mabinogion. she is another figure who refuses to accept the role assigned her- in her case as having been specifically made in order to serve a man. She too becomes an owl.

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Blessed be.
Wow, I love your Goddess page. It is really lovely. I am going to add you to my list of favorite people. I will definitely be reading your blog alot.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Peace Lee/Grian,

An interesting blog you have here. I have seen the image you post of Lilith in the flesh, so to speak, at a local museum. A very interesting artefact it is too.

Abdur Rahman

xJane said...

I'm a huge fan of Lilith: good, bad, and ugly! Like Kali, Her darker aspects can be a source of strength & goodness; and Her lighter aspects can bite you in the rear!

She was one of my first Goddesses as I began the long journey out of xianity. May she give you strength!

BBC said...

You've probably heard of "Lilith Fair",

No, I don't pay any attention to all that stuff. The more one looks at all those things the more their brain looks like a bowl of gray confusing mush.

All anyone has to believe is that they are spirit, part of the greater spirit. And that it is just an awareness of this planet. A consciousness.

It didn't create this planet, it is just aware of it is all. And it's bothered because it is such a mess.

I don't check your blog often so I don't know what has been going on with you but I hope that all is well with you, hugs. Bill

Anonymous said...

As, Brian said...

What i would like to say is that I feel there are echoes of her in the story of Blodeuwedd in the Mabinogion. she is another figure who refuses to accept the role assigned her- in her case as having been specifically made in order to serve a man. She too becomes an owl.

I see a parallel as well. In regards to the tale from the Mabinogi, Robert Graves (White Goddess: 'The Single Poetic Theme [I think]'), attributes this to Patriarchal influence. Not too sure what I think about that as there is an Egyptian tale 'The Tale of Two Brothers' very similar (although not without its differences) to the creation of Blodeuwedd and her betrayal of her husband, who, at the end of the tale is also (in some unspecified way) punished. Still, as I've often realized, myths do no not always convey the truth when it comes to the attributes of a given deity, and Grave is most likely correct.

I wonder how many other owl goddesses are out there that we know about. The only other I can think of is 'Wide-eyed' Athene.

Evn said...

In addition to monikering you, I gave you an award.

Check my blog for more details.

Grian said...

Hey guys and gals. Thanks for all the comments and awards. I will be getting around to nominating some of you myself as soon as I get a chance. The site has been acting funny over the last few days - at least on my end - so I'm a little behind.

Thanks again!

we_be_toys said...

I definitely think Lilith was given a negative make-over at some time, in an effort to discredit her followers. I think the same thing happened with Medusa - I'd be willing to bet she wasn't always a bad egg either, Gorgon or not. It's always the woman with power who gets cast as evil - not hard to tell the gender of the re-writers, eh?

I love your site - you always have such wonderful resources to back up your pieces. I don't know where I've put half of the books I used to have on this material!

Anonymous said...

While I agree that many pagan figures were demonized for religious and political purposes, I'm not of the thought that every female figure that appears weak or evil in mythology has been demoted from a previously benevolent goddess. I don't believe mythology is meant to be understood literally. I'm a hardcore feminist, but I think we can miss important meanings and lessons of mythology if we always view these figures as symbols of patriarchal religious suppression.

On another note, I was lucky enough to see the terracotta relief pictured here. It sits in the Babylonian section of London's British Museum. They call it "Queen of the Night." There is a lot of speculation about who she is, but she hasn't been identified with certainty. Personally, I think it's Ereshkigal.

Livia Indica said...

Hi, love your blog. But for some reason, Bloggers reader can't recognize your feed. Is there something wrong with it perhaps? Just wondering as I'd love to add you to my blogroll.

BBC said...

I don't want any awards hon, wouldn't post them if you did give me one.

But if you have some really big bombs so I can fix this planet I'll take them, ha, ha, ha.

Meanwhile I'm doing all the camping I can to be out where there is some sanity.

celestial elf said...

excellent discussion going on here, thanks all.
heres my owl video ...

sanders said...

God or Godess has communicated with me and first suprised me as a female now she revealed that her name is Lilith. I can look back at what I had observed about God, and she has great love. Some diety has dirty work to do, I hope it isn't her. She took resposibility for my extreme amount of suffering but I don't know if it was really her or she is just taking the blame as an example of love. If anyone knows of anything positive about her I would appriciate it.